
I decided to start this blog so that I have something to look back on and remember - a diary of sorts. My memory is terrible. I forget the things that have shaped me in to who I am and so much great stuff has happened to me since 2011 started that I don't want that to be the case.

So, here we are. More of a personal thing really, but for those who wish to read a little bit about me, Kuk Sool, computer gaming and other random stuff, you are welcome to. Enjoy!

(Newer posts appear at the top, by the way. So please start at the bottom and work up ;) )

Thursday, 26 March 2015

So... It's been over a year since my last post

Well, that's terrible! So much for posting regularly.

Although, to be honest not all that much has happened except for Gemma and I promoting to Black Belt in November.

It was an amazing day! We drove ourselves up to Liverpool which was a daunting task for me, but it was absolutely fine. We competed during the day and done okay - I got a Silver in Forms and Techniques. Gemma got a Copper for Staff Spinning, a Bronze for Forms and a Gold for her Techniques which she was delighted with.

In the evening when my nerves had reached the limit and Gemma was still calm as can be, just before we were called up to collect our certificates from the Grand Master - Kuk Sa Nim, our feelings switched. I was fine and Gemma was so panicked that she galloped up to the head table leaving SBNs Jon & Helen Denny and myself in the dust. Hehehe.

Afterwards, we all met up at the Indian for the customary post Liverpool Exhibition curry.

Since then, we've been helping out even more. Gemma and I now run the kid's fun nights and are far more involved in the high grade children's class. We even help with the adult coloured belts.

JDKJN has also accepted us into his Instructor program which is very exciting!


Work is still going wonderfully and I couldn't be happier. I finally met with the chaps from Betcom. Gemma and I travelled up and I spent a couple of days working in their office. They are awesome and we all got on really well.

Gemma is no longer at the Vets. She was treated terribly there and it showed no signs of getting any better. Finally, enough was enough and I just told her to leave before it made her ill again. She then went on to do some work with Stephen - helping to arrange things for a film he was making. That project has finished now and she is enjoying being a housewife. I love having her home with me while I work.


Last year we also said goodbye to my other dear old Granddad. I think about him often and it always puts a smile on my face. He suffered for so long that it is comforting to know that he's finally at peace. Even if I do miss him terribly.


Sadly, I've gotten a tiny little bit flabby again due to too much 'easy' food, so am back on the Herbalife hardcore. I'm also trying out a Jawbone Up24 which is buggy as all hell but quite good when it works correctly :p    The sleep monitor is quite interesting - turns out I sleep better than I thought I did.


We also had a wonderful experience last year when we took Gemma's dad to fly some owls. One of the other guys there kindly shot some of it on video for me:

I absolutely love the Barn Owl (it would be my patronus ;p ) so this was a wonderful moment for me.

We also went a bit crazy with collecting Lego. Our sitting room is now full of it which is AWESOME!
