
I decided to start this blog so that I have something to look back on and remember - a diary of sorts. My memory is terrible. I forget the things that have shaped me in to who I am and so much great stuff has happened to me since 2011 started that I don't want that to be the case.

So, here we are. More of a personal thing really, but for those who wish to read a little bit about me, Kuk Sool, computer gaming and other random stuff, you are welcome to. Enjoy!

(Newer posts appear at the top, by the way. So please start at the bottom and work up ;) )

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Another Life

A good friend of mine asked Gem if she would be interested in acting in a short film he was putting together. After months of work and lots of practice, here is Gem's acting début - Another Life:

I am SO very proud of her. She done an absolutely incredible job and stood shoulder to shoulder with the other actors who have much more experience than her.

Please visit the Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/AnotherLife.FanPage) 'like' it, show your friends, and generally support it in every way you can and hopefully we may be lucky enough to see it get some funding and maybe become it's own series. Here's hoping.


Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Half way!

Last night, Gem and I received our red belts and started to learn our next set of techniques - Maek Cha Ki and our next form - Goh Geup Hyung. I love it already!

We are half way along our journey to Black belt now.
