
I decided to start this blog so that I have something to look back on and remember - a diary of sorts. My memory is terrible. I forget the things that have shaped me in to who I am and so much great stuff has happened to me since 2011 started that I don't want that to be the case.

So, here we are. More of a personal thing really, but for those who wish to read a little bit about me, Kuk Sool, computer gaming and other random stuff, you are welcome to. Enjoy!

(Newer posts appear at the top, by the way. So please start at the bottom and work up ;) )

Monday, 19 December 2011

Blue Belts

On Saturday, Gemma and I graded for and received our Blue Belts!

The grading was quite hard going and I landed badly on my knee, hurting it even more, which was very annoying but I managed to hobble through the rest of it.

After tonight's 'fun' class we have a break of about two weeks so I will do my best to rest my leg and hopefully come back to Kuk Sool in the new year, in the new dojang, fighting fit and ready to go.


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

December Update

It's been a while since I last posted, but things have been relatively quiet so there hasn't been much to report.

I have been really struggling with my enthusiasm for Kuk Sool. I think it was just that we learned the form very quickly so we just practised it over and over without learning anything new. With winter coming it also got very cold in the Sport Centre which made the aches and pains seem worse. I've been hobbling around for weeks with a bad knee that just won't seem to heal.

The last few lessons have seen my interest perk up again though. Most likely because we have our Blue Belt grading looming (this Saturday). So it will be nice to have a new colour and some new stuff to learn.

We also had our second Black Belt Club at the weekend when we learned some Acupressure techniques and done some more archery. That was LOADS of fun!


The release of Star Wars: The Old Republic is right around the corner now as well. I have been waiting for this game for about 3 years now. The beta was great although during the last one my graphics went haywire and I was unable to play properly. I've been having no end of trouble with the login details and stuff too. Problems galore! Hopefully I can get it sorted before launch.

My computer has been misbehaving in general lately and I can't figure out how to fix it, which is also getting me down. Hopefully it'll all turn out okay.
